Clean Water Activities

Salt Watch and Nitrate Watch Chapter Toolkits

The goal of the Salt Watch Chapter Toolkit is to provide Izaak Walton League members with the information and resources necessary to help engage their chapters and their communities in Salt Watch. Download the toolkit.

The goal of the Nitrate Watch Chapter Toolkit is to provide Izaak Walton League members with the information and resources necessary to help engage their chapters and their communities in Nitrate Watch. Download the toolkit.

Tools for Creating a Crowdsourced Monitoring Network at Your Chapter

Want to get people in your community involved in Nitrate Watch or Salt Watch, but don’t know where to start? League staff have put together the building blocks you need to get people in your community engaged in chapter monitoring activities, whether they are students, scouts or adults who are concerned about the safety of their drinking water.

This workshop highlights a wide range of tools – from flyers and fact sheets to social media resources, the Clean Water Hub website and more – specifically designed for community outreach.

Watch the recording.

How to Run a Successful Paint the Plow Event

Paint the Plow is a community outreach program that encourages groups to work with their local Department of Transportation (DoT) to paint a snowplow blade with original artwork centered around smart road salting practices. Download the workbook.

Increasing Chapter Visibility with a Paint the Plow Community Event

In the fall of 2023, League staff led a “Paint the Plow” program in partnership with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation – students, partner organizations, and even our staff painted 11 snowplow blades with smart salt messaging. Those plow blades are used across the county today.

This workshop will walk you through how to run a “Paint the Plow” program in your community, from working with the DoT or local government, engaging partners, and the supplies you’ll need – plus some lessons learned. This is a great project to get League messaging out in your community, engage folks in Smart Salt messaging, and recruit new members.

Watch the recording.

Request Outreach Materials for your Chapter

Izaak Walton League members and chapters have access to free outreach supplies to help them promote water quality monitoring in their communities. We will fulfill all requests as supplies allow. Complete this form and let us know what you need.

The ultimate goal of the Clean Water Challenge is to protect and improve water quality nationwide. Everyone can help achieve this goal. The following resources are part of our Clean Water Challenge “Getting Started” Toolkit. Download the individual files you need here, or download the full toolkit from Dropbox.

Stream Cleanups

Trash in streams is more than just an eyesore – it can pollute our water supplies, damage fish and wildlife habitat, and spoil outdoor recreation. A stream cleanup can combat water pollution and bring your community together for clean water.

How can trash cause so much trouble for your community? As plastic breaks down, Bisphenol A (BPA) and other chemicals can leach into streams and rivers, which is where most Americans get their drinking water. Plastics and other litter can collect toxic chemicals and bacteria pollutants and distribute them throughout the waterway. Large trash items can cause stream erosion that further degrades water quality and can even contaminate the stream bed.

Trash also has physical impacts on your community. Glass and metal can cut anglers, kids, and dogs playing in the stream. Trash in the water can lead to fish kills due to decreased oxygen levels. As trash begins to break up, fish and other animals can mistake it for food, causing intestinal blockages, toxicity, and eventually death. 

Tips To Get Started
  • Community Check: Check with your city about any formal stream cleanup/adoption programs locally that may have specific requirements. 
  • Sunny Days: Schedule cleanups during the day. Plan a rain date.
  • Site Visit: Check out the stream site a day or two before the cleanup to ensure conditions are safe.
  • Gear Up: Ensure every participant has gloves or some other form of hand protection. Bright safety vests can help you keep track of volunteers and ensure other people can see them too.
  • Healthy Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids and make sure no volunteers try to drink from the stream!
  • Use the Buddy System: Work in groups of two or more.
  • Heath Hazards: If you find hazardous materials or worry that it is unsafe to collect an item, contact your city waste management agency.
  • Recycle: Recycle as much of the trash you collect as possible.
  • ICE: Ensure you have "in case of emergency" (ICE) contacts for each volunteer. 

Stream cleanups offer a great starting point for local partnerships. Companies in your community may encourage their employees to volunteer for local projects. Look to local stores not only for cash donations to support your efforts but also material donations (gloves, bags, safety vests) and maybe even employee volunteers.

And don't forget to communicate about your accomplishments!

  • PR tips and sample content for websites, newsletters, social media (PDF and Word files)
  • Sample pre-event media alert (PDF and Word files) 
  • Sample post-event press release (PDF and Word files)
  • Tips on using the Chapter Accomplishments tool to track progress (PDF file)
  • Sample graphics for social media posts, websites, newsletters (Dropbox folder)

Save Our Streams (SOS) Stream Monitoring

Clean Water Challenge

  • Fact sheet for use at public events (PDF file)
  • New logo files for use in print and online (Dropbox folder)
  • Sample graphics for use on social media, websites, newsletters (Dropbox folder)
  • Practical tips on building community partnerships
    • Fundraising (PDF file)
    • Outreach (PDF file)
    • Volunteer Management (PDF file)

Other Conservation Activities

CWC Logo_1 Color_transparent for web
Stream Cleanup: Volunteer
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