Salt Watch and Nitrate Watch Chapter Toolkits
The goal of the Salt Watch Chapter Toolkit is to provide Izaak Walton League members with the information and resources necessary to help engage their chapters and their communities in Salt Watch. Download the toolkit.
The goal of the Nitrate Watch Chapter Toolkit is to provide Izaak Walton League members with the information and resources necessary to help engage their chapters and their communities in Nitrate Watch. Download the toolkit.
Tools for Creating a Crowdsourced Monitoring Network at Your Chapter
Want to get people in your community involved in Nitrate Watch or Salt Watch, but don’t know where to start? League staff have put together the building blocks you need to get people in your community engaged in chapter monitoring activities, whether they are students, scouts or adults who are concerned about the safety of their drinking water.
This workshop highlights a wide range of tools – from flyers and fact sheets to social media resources, the Clean Water Hub website and more – specifically designed for community outreach.
Watch the recording.
How to Run a Successful Paint the Plow Event
Paint the Plow is a community outreach program that encourages groups to work with their local Department of Transportation (DoT) to paint a snowplow blade with original artwork centered around smart road salting practices. Download the workbook.
Increasing Chapter Visibility with a Paint the Plow Community Event
In the fall of 2023, League staff led a “Paint the Plow” program in partnership with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation – students, partner organizations, and even our staff painted 11 snowplow blades with smart salt messaging. Those plow blades are used across the county today.
This workshop will walk you through how to run a “Paint the Plow” program in your community, from working with the DoT or local government, engaging partners, and the supplies you’ll need – plus some lessons learned. This is a great project to get League messaging out in your community, engage folks in Smart Salt messaging, and recruit new members.
Watch the recording.
Request Outreach Materials for your Chapter
Izaak Walton League members and chapters have access to free outreach supplies to help them promote water quality monitoring in their communities. We will fulfill all requests as supplies allow. Complete this form and let us know what you need.