Chapter Communications

League logo

League Logos

During the national convention in July 2022, the full Board of Directors of the Izaak Walton League of America voted to approve a new logo for use beginning in January 2023. Plan to transition to this logo as we launch our second century of conservation leadership.

To download the logo, log in to the Officer Tools. If this link does not take you straight to the logos, click on Downloads after logging in. For more assistance or additional file types, email us. Please specify full-color or black and white, and the file format you need.

Also email us for chapter logos. These versions have a banner across the bottom where you can insert the name of your chapter.

(Note: The Izaak Walton League logo may be used only for official League business. Violators may be prosecuted.)

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Chapter Website

One of the most valuable things you can do to communicate with the public about your chapter is to have a well-designed, up-to-date website. This is especially important for reaching young adults and young families.

Building and maintaining a basic website is not very difficult – and the League's National staff can help.

Chapter Brochure Cover

Chapter Brochure

Introducing a new online tool that allows chapters to customize and print high-quality color brochures for membership marketing! The League will even cover the cost to print and ship the first 100 brochures. The online brochure template contains basic information about the League with a place for the chapter name, information about the chapter, membership application and even photos.