Chapter Officers
All officers of the Izaak Walton League are responsible for meeting key deadlines (PDF).
When inducting new officers, use this pledge:
New Officer(s):
I, [repeat your name], solemnly pledge to uphold the ideals of Izaak Walton League of America.
I will support the true meaning and intent of conservation and aid in the protection of American soil, air, woods, waters, and wildlife, as set forth by the Constitution of the League.
I will participate in the activities of the Chapter (Division) and whenever called upon assist in Special Committee functions to further the Chapter’s (Division’s) goals.
I will conduct myself when on League business, whether at home or abroad, so that no adverse reflection will fall upon the organization.
Designated IWLA Official:
You are now duly installed as officers and directors of the [Chapter or Division name] Chapter (Division) of the Izaak Walton League of America.
National Directors
All members of the National Board of Directors have duties and responsibilities (PDF). The additional responsibilities of the Board's leaders are as follows: