The new EPA review announced today will fail to protect our waterways because the regulations will follow the dangerous misinterpretation of the Clean Water Act and faulty definition of Waters of the USA established by the Supreme Court in Sackett v EPA in 2023. Interpretation of the Clean Water Act must adhere to science as well as the clear intent of this bedrock law.
Jared Mott, Conservation Director for the Izaak Walton League, commented, “Without Clean Water Act protections for the more than half of the wetlands in the United States targeted by this rule, Americans can expect: lower quality drinking water resulting in poorer human health, less resilience to flooding—meaning higher insurance costs, and degraded fish and wildlife habitat that will threaten the nation’s $1.2 trillion outdoor recreation economy.”
Contact: Michael Reinemer, Communications Director, Izaak Walton League,; 301-548-0150 ext 220.
Founded in 1922, the Izaak Walton League fights for clean air and water, healthy fish and wildlife habitat and conservation of our natural resources for future generations. The League plays a unique role in supporting community-based science and local conservation and has a long legacy of shaping sound national policy. See