Outdoor America 2025 Issue 1

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including Outdoor America magazine.

Through membership in the Izaak Walton League of America, you support the important conservation and advocacy work of the League and its 100-year legacy of achievements. Member benefits include a subscription to the printed Outdoor America magazine, electronic newsletters and advocacy alerts.


About Outdoor America

Outdoor America is the quarterly magazine of the Izaak Walton League of America which has been in print since 1922. The magazine features articles that explore the intersection of conservation, fish and wildlife, water quality, outdoor recreation, agriculture, energy and climate change. 

We welcome queries from writers. For questions about content or writing for the magazine, contact the editor, Michael Reinemer, at mreinemer@iwla.org. 301-548-0150, ext. 220. 

Outdoor America is a trademark of the Izaak Walton League of America.