About Us

Who We Are

Over the past 100 years, the Izaak Walton League of America has been an extraordinary champion and defender of the nation’s soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife. Through member-driven bottom-up governance, we're protecting outdoor America in communities across the country, while working strategically at the national level to win critical conservation battles.

Our Recent Work

Stream with small waterfall

Why We Fight for America's Public Lands

The United States was the first nation to establish national parks, creating a template for saving wild places. And the Izaak Walton League has played a key role in shaping the laws and policies that have preserved these diverse landscapes for future generations. But now, our public lands are facing serious threats.

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Stream with small waterfall

Winter Salt Awareness Week Reaches Volunteers across the U.S.

In January, groups across the U.S. and Canada held discussions to raise awareness about the dangers of and solutions to road salt pollution during Winter Salt Awareness Week. Among the events: the Izaak Walton League hosted an open house at its headquarters in Gaithersburg, Md.

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Agriculture Resilience Act

Save Our Streams Annual Report

In 2024, our volunteers faced pervasive nitrate pollution, egregious oversalting practices, and the slow degradation of waterways thanks to suburban sprawl in many metropolitan areas. But through it all, they committed to the long haul, strove for slow yet steady change, and persisted in the face of challenges.

Read the annual report

Three Things You Can Do Right Now

Stream with small waterfall

National Convention

Plan to join us for the 2025 national convention, July 18-19 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We'll hear from conservation leaders, vote on League policy, and enjoy time with our fellow Ikes.

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Agriculture Resilience Act

Iowa Swampbuster Lawsuit Threatens Wetlands Nationwide

For decades, Swampbuster provisions in the Farm Bill have protected wetlands on agricultural land, representing an important pact between taxpayers and farmers that receive government benefits. An ongoing federal lawsuit threatens to abolish these provisions and put wetlands in jeopardy nationwide. In this webinar, attendees will hear from attorney Katie Garvey of the Environmental Law and Policy Center and Aaron Lehman, President of the Iowa Farmers Union about the status of the case, what is at stake, and opportunities to get involved.

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Stream with small waterfall

Speak up for habitat and public access!

Improving habitat available to wildlife, and expanding public access to hunt, fish, and wildlife-watch are worthwhile investments. The Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program (VPA-HIP) is the only initiative within the federal government designed to do both. The Voluntary Public Access Improvement Act of 2025 (S. 704 and H.R. 1565) would reauthorize the program and increase its funding to $150 million over five years. Urge your members of Congress to support this important proposal!

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Support Our Work

Donate Now to Secure the Future of Conservation!

Stand with us to defend outdoor America's future. Together, we can protect healthy natural resources, pristine landscapes and our outdoor traditions. Your gift will be put to work immediately to continue building on the Izaak Walton League's legacy of conservation leadership.

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League members working on conservation project

Join the League

For more than 100 years, the Izaak Walton League has worked very effectively to achieve practical policies that balance conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Please help us find common-sense solutions to today's serious environmental problems.

Join the League as a national member to support our conservation and advocacy work.

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League shirts

Get League Gear

League shirts, hats, pins and more are perfect for showing your commitment to conservation while you enjoy outdoor recreation.

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