In extending the 2018 Farm Bill, Congress could have included roughly $14 billion for vital conservation programs at the Department of Agriculture. Despite bipartisan support, key leaders did not add the funding in the final package.
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A local Izaak Walton League chapter immediately transforms into a hub for food, supplies and support for South Dakota town where homes were destroyed or severely damaged by a catastrophic flood in June 2024.
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The North American Grasslands Conservation Act would preserve and restore some of America's most important and iconic landscapes. The Izaak Walton League is fighting for this crucial legislation.
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Rather than holding a hearing about post-Sackett perspectives, Congress should be working restore Clean Water Act protections to all wetlands and tributary streams, which the vast majority of the American public supports.
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The Farm Bill represents the largest public investment in conservation on privately owned lands. That means that the legislation is also a clean water, soil health and carbon sequestration bill.
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