After salt is applied, it persists in the environment for years to come. As snow and ice melt and as rain falls, salt is washed into soils, groundwater, and into storm drains leading directly to local waterways, which over 117 million Americans rely on for their drinking water. Once salt enters the environment, there is no feasible way to remove it.
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Thousands participated in Winter Salt Awareness Week (January 27-31) to discuss the dangers of & solutions to road salt pollution. Each year, between 10 & 20 million tons is applied to paved surfaces which permanently pollutes fresh water as it washes off into streams and drinking water
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In extending the 2018 Farm Bill, Congress could have included roughly $14 billion for vital conservation programs at the Department of Agriculture. Despite bipartisan support, key leaders did not add the funding in the final package.
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A local Izaak Walton League chapter immediately transforms into a hub for food, supplies and support for South Dakota town where homes were destroyed or severely damaged by a catastrophic flood in June 2024.
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The North American Grasslands Conservation Act would preserve and restore some of America's most important and iconic landscapes. The Izaak Walton League is fighting for this crucial legislation.
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