Press Release

Congress squanders opportunity for historic investment in agricultural conservation


Congressional lawmakers have squandered an opportunity to make a generational investment in conservation on agricultural lands. American taxpayers, and our water, soil, air, woods and wildlife will be worse off for it.

“Our natural resources connect us all—the water we drink, the soil that our food system relies on, the outdoors we enjoy. Investing in their stewardship is as common-sense as it gets in Washington. We had a meaningful opportunity to invest in conservation this year. Instead, congressional leaders chose politics over pragmatism,” said Kate Hansen, Agriculture Program Director at the Izaak Walton League of America.

On Tuesday, Dec. 17, congressional leaders released a continuing resolution to extend the government’s budget through March 14 of next year. The package also included a one-year extension of the federal Farm Bill.

In extending the 2018 Farm Bill, Congress could have included roughly $14 billion for conservation programs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Despite support for the idea from both sides of the political aisle, key leaders did not add the funding into the final package.

“Programs like the Conservation Stewardship Program and Environmental Quality Incentives Program are proven to bolster soil health, improve water quality, protect wildlife habitat and more. Every year, farmers and ranchers apply for them in droves. Far too many are turned away. In 2023, two in three applicants were denied enrollment due to lack of program funding. Every single American benefits from clean water, healthy soils that fight climate change, and healthier foods when farmers and ranchers prioritize conservation. But instead of investing to protect constituents, Congress has dragged its feet and fumbled a generational opportunity,” said Hansen. 

The House and Senate are expected to vote on the package by Dec. 20 to avoid a government shutdown.

Contacts: Kate Hansen, Agriculture Program Director, Izaak Walton League of America, 515-715-3996

Michael Reinemer, Communications Director,, 301-548-0150 ext 220 





  • Climate
  • Agriculture
  • Farm Bill
  • Water pollution

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