What You Can Do

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Make a Plan to Monitor

If you plan to participate in Nitrate Watch, you’ll need to make a plan! Each Nitrate Watch kit includes 25 nitrate test strips. Your goal will be to use each and every test strip and report your data on the Clean Water Hub.

The Make a Plan worksheet is a tool to help you plan out when and how you will use your nitrate test strips. Download it and start planning!

Get the Word Out

Write a Letter to the Editor

Use this template as inspiration for a letter to the editor. Remember to make it your own by adding information about the impact of nutrient pollution on your community. Including data from your Nitrate Watch testing is a great way to make your letter unique!

Looking for guidance on submitting an LTE? Check out the LTE & Op-Ed Guide.

Hand Out Fact Sheets

Use these fact sheets to educate your community about nitrate pollution.

Contact Local Government

Contact Your Health Department

Contact your city or county Department of Health if your drinking water contains nitrate levels above the EPA drinking water standard (10 mg/L).

Call Your Local Environmental Agency

Contact your Department of Natural Resources or Department of Environmental Quality to report consistently high nitrate levels in surface water (rivers, lakes, streams). It is also important to report harmful algal blooms caused by nutrient pollution.

Write a Letter to Your State Legislator or City Council

Consuming water with elevated nitrate levels is harmful to human health. The current regulatory limit is likely not sufficient to protect us. Ask your elected officials to support solutions to nitrate pollution!

Keep Current on Nitrate News

Subscribe to the Nitrate Watch Newsletter

We'll send you monthly updates on ways you can take action to reduce nitrate pollution in your community.


Your generous gift will fund Nitrate Watch kits for new volunteers all over the country and help us work towards strategies to reduce nitrate pollution nationwide.

Donate Now

Resources for Educators

Are you a classroom teacher or informal educator looking to share Nitrate Watch with your students? Click the button below to access resources designed to help educators incorporate Nitrate Watch into the classroom.

Resources for Educators

Have questions? Want to request a specific classroom resource? Email nitratewatch@iwla.org.

Resources for Chapters

The goal of the Nitrate Watch Chapter Toolkit is to provide Izaak Walton League members with the information and resources necessary to help engage their chapters and their communities in Nitrate Watch.

Download the Toolkit

Learning Resources

Video resources

The Izaak Walton League of America has an application pending with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to register Nitrate Watch.