The League is proud to work with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) to promote target shooting throughout the month of August. This is a great opportunity for League chapters to host events to introduce the public to shooting sports.
NSSF organized the first National Shooting Sports Month in 2017 and is partnering with organizations like the League to expand the number of events held nationwide. The over-arching goals of National Shooting Sports Month are to bring positive attention to recreational shooting sports and give a wide range of people an opportunity to experience them for the first time.
The League is ideally positioned to introduce more Americans to shooting sports. More than 100 of our chapters offer shooting sports facilities, and our members have the experience to help beginners learn to shoot safely and responsibly.
Here’s a goal to “shoot” for: At least half the League chapters with shooting sports facilities host an event during National Shooting Sports Month. Chapters have tremendous flexibility in creating an event that works best for them, from starting people off with an air rifle or .22 to offering lessons on trap and skeet or field archery. The only requirement is that the event must be open to the public. Ideally, these events will encourage participation among people who are not already recreational shooting sports enthusiasts.
There is no need to create a brand new event. If your chapter periodically opens its ranges to beginners for an introduction to shooting sports, consider doing that in August this year as well.
NSSF invites League chapters (as well as private ranges, state agencies, and other partners) to post events on the National Shooting Sports Month calendar online at
Please also share your event — including the date, time, and a one-sentence description — with League staff at so we can post this information to our website as well.
National Shooting Sports Month is an ideal time for the League to showcase our leadership in growing participation in target shooting. Generations of Americans have taken their first shot at League chapters, and this is a perfect opportunity to let new audiences try the sports.