New York >> Leaders of the Central New York Chapter took the opportunity at their October meeting to celebrate numerous accomplishments — and document it with a group photo!
At the IWLA National Convention this summer, the Central New York Chapter received the Defenders Chapter Achievement Award for overall excellence and the national Save Our Streams Award for decades of stream monitoring work and finding creative ways to engage new audiences today.
Chapter environmental education director Niles Brown received the national Conservation Award for his work on the Project Watershed and Young Naturalist programs, which engage youth in environmental science and the outdoors.
The chapter also received the Robert C. O’Hair Award for its Young Naturalist Program, created by chapter member Don Gates, which uses innovative partnerships with local libraries and the state office of parks and recreation to promote conservation values and stewardship among youth.
In addition, IWLA Endowment “Million Dollar Club” plaques were presented to the Central New York Chapter and to chapter members Les Monostory and Conrad Strozik. Million Dollar Club members make long-term investments in conservation through donations to the Endowment.
Congratulations to the members of the Central New York Chapter for all your conservation achievements!