Policy Pulse: Uncertainty Surrounds Conservation Funding
When Congress returned after Labor Day from a month-long recess, it faced a September 30 deadline to pass a federal spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. As Outdoor America went to press, a stop-gap bill that funds the government until December, raises the debt ceiling, and provides aid for Hurricane Harvey relief efforts was approved. Congress will continue working this fall to fund government programs beyond the end of 2017.
Faced with the prospect of deep conservation cuts in the president’s budget request earlier this year, the League will continue to call on Congress to choose a different path. On virtually every issue of importance to the Izaak Walton League – wildlife, natural resource conservation, clean air, and clean water – the priorities in the president’s detailed budget request are sharply at odds with the League’s priorities as outlined in our conservation policies. By proposing to slash funding for conservation and environmental protection, the administration jeopardizes public health and the $887 billion annual outdoor recreation economy. Congress can – and must – protect our conservation investments in its budget negotiations. Stay tuned for Action Alerts as Congress debates these funding priorities.