Michigan > Last fall, Dwight Lydell Chapter member Bob Stegmier took a group of middle school students on a stream adventure they won’t soon forget. But don’t take our word for it — read the students’ essays about their experiences. (“Adrenaline rush” is rarely a phrase we hear from our adult stream monitors!)
Stegmier teamed up with teacher Beth Sochacki from the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Education School to introduce 50 students to stream monitoring and stream health. “Things are different these days because the students have so much equipment with them — iPads and such for pictures and looking up information,” says Stegmier. “One student even came with an underwater camera. There was never a dull moment.”
The students walked to the banks of the Rogue River, a major tributary of the Grand River and a world-renowned steelhead and salmon fishery. It is also designated as a “Country Scenic” river under Michigan’s Natural River Act.
However, the river is facing threats from increased development, causing warmer waters and more sediment to run into the river. Fortunately, the results of this stream health assessment were positive.
“Read these letters and it will pump you up as to the good the League is doing,” exclaims Stegmier. “We can and should do more!”
Student Letters
Abe J.
Danielle P.
Emilie R.
Grace C.
Maddie L.