Minnesota >> The Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society presented its highest honor to Dave Zentner of Duluth, Minnesota, in 2012. Zentner is a past national president of the Izaak Walton League and a recipient of the League’s highest honor, the 54 Founders Award, as well.
In making the award, the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society noted that Zentner “has served more than 40 years as a catalyst for many important environmental gains in Minnesota and beyond. Dave has led local, state, and national efforts to protect and preserve the environment. He has been a key player in every major Minnesota environmental accomplishment, from the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness to Voyageurs National Park, from wetland protection to wildlife preservation.” They concluded with a statement that is shared by many League members as well: “David Zentner is one of Minnesota’s greatest living conservationists.”
The Wildlife Society is an association of professionals in wildlife management and conservation throughout North America. The Minnesota Chapter, formed 1944, has been presenting its “Minnesota Award” to the state’s top conservationist annually since 1958 to recognize outstanding contributions to Minnesota’s wildlife and natural resources.