The Izaak Walton League played a pivotal role in creating the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) in 1964. Today, the Senate passed a bill fully and permanently funding LWCF. Now, momentum shifts to the House of Representatives.
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The first Earth Day 50 years ago was the beginning of the citizen science movement. Now, for Earth Day 2020, the League is launching a nationwide citizen science blitz to document the ongoing threats to the health of our streams and rivers. People of all ability levels can get involved with the League's programs and take action for clean water.
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Despite a mild winter across the mid-Atlantic region, Izaak Walton League Salt Watch volunteers found high salt levels in area waterways. Out of 222 tests conducted by volunteers this winter, 18% found salt concentrations above the levels that could be considered normal for a freshwater stream.
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The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has been a driving force for conservation and outdoor recreation for over 50 years. The Izaak Walton League of America applauds Senate action yesterday to permanently reauthorize LWCF.
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The Chesapeake Bay Program partnership recognized the value of citizen science data collected through the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) in assessing the health and restoration progress of the Chesapeake Bay watershed with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed on October 12.
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