In October, the North American Bird Conservation Initiative, a coalition of government agencies and nonprofits, issued its State of the Birds 2022 report, which noted that bird populations are falling in nearly every type of habitat.
The report found that more than half of America’s bird species are declining.
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Over the years, evidence has accumulated that outdoor recreation can serve as therapy for wounded veterans. Some of those wounds are hard to see—and harder to heal. The Izaak Walton League has been involved in this process for more than 75 years. Read more in Outdoor America magazine.
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Sackett v. EPA has the potential to devastate protections for wetlands and degrade water quality nationwide which is why the Izaak Walton League has filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court to defend the Clean Water Act.
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The North American Grasslands Conservation Act would encourage voluntary conservation, recognizing the collaborative role of ranchers, farmers, Tribal Nations, government agencies and outdoorsmen and women. Modeled after the highly successful North American Wetlands Conservation Act, this legislation would provide funding through a landowner-driven, voluntary, incentive-based program to conserve and restore threated grasslands.
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The Izaak Walton League of America continues to accomplish major achievements to protect and restore the environment and foster enjoyment and access to the great outdoors for all.
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