The League supports H.R. 5983 which would amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to restore a national minimum standard of protection for the water resources of the United States while providing certainty to regulated entities.
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Izaak Walton League has launched a campaign to mitigate damage from the unprecedented Sackett v. EPA decision which rolls back 50 years of Clean Water Act protections for wetlands and tributary streams.
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The nation's agriculture policy is not living up to its potential to help solve some of our most serious challenges — water pollution, declining public health and climate change. But a better Farm Bill in 2023 could make a huge improvements IF lawmakers and voters connect the dots and push for wider adoption of proven solutions.
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To deliver the outcomes Americans deserve, the Farm Bill needs to prioritize soil health. Past failures to improve soil health have been the weak link in improving conservation on the agricultural landscape that covers nearly 900 million acres in the U.S.
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The core principles of the Izaak Walton League’s Clean Water Program continue to guide our work to improve water quality locally and engage thousands of volunteers nationwide.
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