News Room

The Izaak Walton League is one of the most effective and longest-serving conservation organizations in the United States. Since 1922, the League has been instrumental in establishing the nation's bedrock environmental laws and policies that protect the nation's woods, waters and wildlife. In addition to national advocacy, the League continues to pioneer community-based conservation and citizen science programs locally.

Media contacts

Michael Reinemer, Communications Director and editor of Outdoor America,, 301-548-0150, ext 220, or 703-966-9574. More under "for media inquiries" below.

  • Praise for grasslands bill that would improve water, soil, wildlife habitat and reduce climate impacts

    The North American Grasslands Conservation Act would encourage voluntary conservation, recognizing the collaborative role of ranchers, farmers, Tribal Nations, government agencies and outdoorsmen and women. Modeled after the highly successful North American Wetlands Conservation Act, this legislation would provide funding through a landowner-driven, voluntary, incentive-based program to conserve and restore threated grasslands.
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  • Izaak Walton League issues its Vision for a Second Century of Conservation Leadership

    The League announced an ambitious plan to leverage its strengths that have been hallmarks of the organization since its founding in 1922: community-based conservation, volunteer science and advocacy.
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  • Izaak Walton League and other groups file brief in Supreme Court supporting stronger clean water protections

    In the current Sackett vs. EPA case, the Supreme Court is considering what the proper test should be for determining when wetlands are “Waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act. The Sackett’s proposed test could deny federal protections to more than half of all wetlands in the country. Our brief argues that this test is unsupported by the text, structure, and stated purposed of the Act. The Izaak Walton League of America is proud to stand with our partners in this amicus brief.
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  • 43 achievements from Izaak Walton League's 100 years of conservation leadership

    In 1922, a group of concerned anglers and hunters gathered in Chicago to create an organization that would stop the destruction and degradation of America’s streams, natural areas and wildlife habitat. Today, the League continues to face down increasingly dire threats to the nation’s land, waters and natural resources including climate change, pollution and loss of habitat. As League envisions a second century of work, it’s worth noting some of its achievements since 1922, which include now-established, bedrock conservation practices, policies and laws that protect outdoor America.
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  • Driftless Area will benefit from bipartisan bill to conserve this unique ecological region of the Midwest

    For nearly a century, the League has been fighting for conservation for the Upper Mississippi, including in the Driftless Area. By promoting the transition to regenerative agriculture and reducing nutrient runoff, the Driftless Area Landscape Conservation Initiative Act would improve water quality, wildlife habitat and outdoor rec throughout this unique landscape.
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For media inquiries
All Media Inquiries

Michael Reinemer, Director of Communications and Editor of Outdoor America Cell: 703-966-9574, 301-548-0150 ext 220

Agriculture Policy: Expert staff

Kate Hansen, Agriculture Program Director –

Environmental Legislation: Expert staff

Jared Mott, Conservation Director –

Water Quality: Expert staff

Samantha Puckett, Clean Water Program Director –

Virginia: Kira Carney, Save Our Streams Coordinator, Mid-Atlantic region – Iowa: Heather Wilson, Save Our Streams Coordinator, Midwest region – Chesapeake Bay: Matthew Kierce, Chesapeake Monitoring and Outreach Program Coordinator – Missouri River Region: Paul Lepisto, Regional Conservation Coordinator, Missouri River Initiative –

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