Outdoor America 2019 Issue 3
Clean water across America is in danger. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering a change to the Clean Water Act that would threaten the health of small streams and put many community waters at risk.
EPA thinks that small streams – those that flow only when it rains or when snow is melting – are not important enough to protect from pollution. But when they do flow, these streams carry pollution to our rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, damaging drinking water sources, wildlife habitat, and opportunities for outdoor recreation.
Ikes know these waters. You see them when you’re out hunting, fishing, bird watching, or just enjoying the outdoors.
We need your help to Save Clean Water. We’re simply asking you to take a picture of one of these small streams and upload it through our website. (We promise we won’t give away your favorite hunting or fishing spot!) We’ll create a visual library of threatened streams across America and work to build pressure on EPA to continue protecting these streams from pollution.
If you need help identifying one of these small streams (called intermittent and ephemeral), go to the link above and click Use this map. Then just zoom in and look for dashed blue lines – those indicate streams that do not flow all year (although there are many more such streams that have not been properly mapped). You can also type in a location to zoom in on an area you want to search
Working together, we can protect water quality across the country and in our own communities.