National News: New Tool For Promoting Chapter Accomplishments

Outdoor America 2017, Issue 2
Stream Cleanup by Canoe_Suffolk-Nansemond Chapter_VA

League chapters are accomplishing great things in their communities. If we can add up these accomplishments, we can tell a compelling story about the League’s impact – in local communities and across the country. And for the League’s national office, information about impact and results is the “raw material” we need to raise the League’s visibility.

To help compile and leverage results across the League, the national office has created a new online tool accessible by any chapter or division officer.

From the League’s home page, click the Officer Tools button. Once you log in, look for the Chapter Accomplishments link. (E-mail if you are unsure
of your login credentials.)

This tool allows chapter officers to enter details about four different activities that are common across the organization:

  • Kids fishing events
  • Roadside cleanups
  • Stream monitoring
  • College scholarships awarded
You can track your chapter’s achievements over the course of the year (or any time frame you choose) and use that information for your own press releases too.

Please take just a minute to add your chapter’s results to our database after each event this year. With access to this information, the national organization will use it for press releases, proposals to potential funders, and other ways that publicly demonstrate the League’s collective impact.

If you have suggestions for other common League activities you would like to track using this online tool, e-mail your suggestions to (Please reference the Chapter Accomplishments tool in your e-mail.) And let us know how it works for you!