National News: Youth Plus Water Equals Education and Fun

Outdoor America 2017, Issue 1
Creek Freaks_credit Tom Hughes

Looking for ways to engage youth at your chapter or in your community? Creek Freaks may be right for you.

We take the same stream monitoring concepts that are the foundation of the League’s Save Our Streams program and teach them in ways that get kids excited about conservation and clean water. League staff can show you how, and hosting a Creek Freaks workshop comes at no cost to you.

The League is also launching an initiative to engage children in hands-on stream exploration at summer camps and afterschool programs. We are partnering with the YMCA and American Camp Association (ACA) to train and equip their staff to use the Creek Freaks curriculum and materials. There will be many opportunities for League members and chapters to get involved with this effort, such as providing training sites or partnering with local youth organizations.

Contact IWLA Save Our Streams Coordinator Samantha Roth at or (800) 453-5463 x222 for more information about these opportunities.