2015 National Convention: Going Forward with Conservation -- Today and Tomorrow

Outdoor America 2015, Issue 3
2015 IWLA Convention

Ikes from across the country gathered in South Dakota this July to explore the theme, “Going Forward with Conservation – Today and Tomorrow.” League members have been fighting to conserve outdoor America for tomorrow – and future generations – for more than 90 years. At our 2015 national convention, we celebrated our achievements and explored how League members can restore and conserve America’s soil, air, woods, waters, and wildlife.

Our action-packed convention started with a fishing trip on the Missouri River and tours of the Dakota grasslands (plus the state capital of Pierre) and ended with an insider’s perspective on managing Mount Rushmore and other national monuments. In between, attendees enjoyed interactive workshops and nationally renowned speakers, held officer elections, and voted on resolutions to establish League conservation policies.

If you missed the action, you can catch up with these highlights. And be sure to mark your calendar for next year’s convention in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.

Convention Highlights and Policy Resolutions
Awards for National, Hall of Fame, Membership and more
Convention Photo Highlights