
Clean water, sustainable agriculture, climate solutions, and more topics related to protecting America's outdoors.

  • Ice on the Missouri River - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: December 2022

    This month on the Missouri River: the Corps of Engineers tackles sediment management, the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources works on water quality improvement, and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission focuses on hunter recruitment. Full story
  • GT Thompson

    Here's How the New Congress Will Affect Agriculture Conservation

    Big shakeups are coming to the House and Senate Agriculture Committees as Congress prepares to write a new Farm Bill. We break down what's happening and what it means for programs that impact our food, water, communities and climate. Full story
  • PFAS pollution in Iowa

    Forever Chemicals in Drinking Water: An Emerging Health Threat

    Forever chemicals, also known as PFAS (for "per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances"), are considered dangerous because they have potentially harmful health effects – like thyroid disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, reduced immune response, and cancer. Now these substances are turning up in living animals, in food, and in human blood… and cities are not moving fast enough to address the problem. Full story
  • Smartphone graphic - credit iStock

    Five Tips for Effective Social Media

    Social media is an incredibly powerful tool that every person, organization, and Izaak Walton League chapter can use for event promotion and community building. Any organization that doesn’t have a presence on social media is missing out on valuable (and free) visibility. Here are five tips for making the most of your social media. Full story
  • Sun on the Missouri River - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: November 2022

    This month on the Missouri River: shortages of water and money impede restoration efforts, improvements to angler access move forward, and the League's South Dakota Division celebrates habitat heroes. Full story
  • Mardy and Olaus Murie - credit USFWS

    Iconic Ikes: Mardy Murie

    The Izaak Walton League's first century of conservation success was carried forward by committed heroes working together to defend America's natural resources. During our centennial celebrations, we're sharing their stories. Fourth in our series of iconic Ikes: Mardy Murie, an explorer and champion of America's wildest places. Full story
  • Duane Hovorka with partners - credit Duane Hovorka

    Inflation Reduction Act Is a Big Win for Conservation

    The Inflation Reduction Act will provide $19.5 billion over the next few years to expand conservation, reduce water pollution and combat climate change across tens of millions of acres of farms and ranches nationwide. That could be a game-changer for all of us. Full story
  • Team River Runner - credit Janet Everhard

    The Healing Power of the Outdoors for America's Veterans

    The Izaak Walton League has long served on the front lines of helping veterans reconnect with the great outdoors. Recent research reveals the healing potential of outdoor adventure. Full story
  • Sunny day on the river - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: October 2022

    This month on the Missouri River: the Corps reports on drought response activities, the League speaks up on energy projects and grouse management, and wildlife managers ask for your help. Full story
  • People monitoring – credit Grace Kann

    The Value of Volunteer Science

    There are not enough scientists or hours in the day to complete all the conservation research that needs to be accomplished. Fortunately, volunteers are filling gaps in stream science. Full story


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