
Clean water, sustainable agriculture, climate solutions, and more topics related to protecting America's outdoors.

  • Ice on the Missouri River - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: December 2023

    This month on the Missouri River: the Army Corps has new plans for pallid sturgeon recovery, zebra mussels infest another lake, and we look ahead to 2024. Full story
  • Blue sky reflecting in the Missouri River - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: November 2023

    This month on the Missouri River: the Army Corps provides updates on the river's endangered species, the League comments on the new river management plan, and we start planning for events in 2024. Full story
  • Excessive salting in a neighborhood - credit Dave Bell

    My Town Tried to Tell Me There’s No Road Salt in This Photo

    When a town in Pennsylvania spread excessive road salt and then denied they had salted at all, Streamkeeper Dave Bell sought better answers. His investigation led him to the League’s Salt Watch community science program… and to smarter ways of keeping streets safe in the winter. Full story
  • Shenandoah River - credit Michael Reinemer

    Sackett v. EPA Spells Disaster for Wetlands and Clean Water

    In the largest rollback of clean water protections in 50 years, the Supreme Court ruled in May that the Clean Water Act does not protect a majority of the nation’s wetlands and millions of miles of streams. We break down what that means for clean water in America. Full story
  • Sunflowers - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: September 2023

    This month on the Missouri River: the League comments on a new approach to pallid sturgeon recovery, Midwesterners enjoy the Missouri River Outdoor Expo, and invasive zebra mussels turn up in another lake. Full story
  • Youth plaintiffs - credit Thom Bridge, Helena Independent Record

    Montana Youth Win a Momentous Lawsuit on Climate Change

    While the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent Sackett v EPA decision spells bad news for wetlands and water quality nationwide, a ray of hope for conservation burst out of a Montana court on August 14. Held v Montana is a first-of-its kind victory for affirming the human right to a safe and livable climate system. Full story
  • Dead fish - credit Karl Van Neste

    Something’s Fishy in Maryland

    Why was a local lake full of dead fish? One clean water advocate investigated the problem and worked for a solution. Read about Karl’s journey from community science to political advocacy. Full story
  • River afternoon - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: August 2023

    This month on the Missouri River: the Army Corps of Engineers tries a different strategy for recovering the endangered pallid sturgeon, the League supports better ideas for increasing flood resiliency in the lower basin, and state wildlife officials ask you to be on the lookout for signs of epizootic hemorrhagic disease. Full story
  • Mike Delaney

    70 Years of Conservation

    Older volunteers bring valuable skills and experience to the nationwide fight for cleaner water. For over 20 years, Mike Delaney has been patiently gathering data, forging connections between allied groups, and spreading the word about the importance of stream health – all while having fun and creating a better world for his grandchildren. Full story
  • Preserve Grayson members monitoring water quality

    It Takes a Village

    New neighbors in southwestern Virginia worked together to find out why so many people in their community were suffering from cancer – and to solve the problem at the source. Full story


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