
Clean water, sustainable agriculture, climate solutions, and more topics related to protecting America's outdoors.

  • Opal Creek (credit: USFWS)

    Defend Clean Water

    EPA unveiled a proposal to determine which streams will be protected from pollution by the Clean Water Act. Streams that will no longer be protected flow right into our rivers, lakes, and drinking water supplies. We need your help to tell the story of these streams and show EPA how important they are to communities across the country. Full story
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    New Farm Bill's Impact on Wildlife

    Congress approved a new Farm Bill that provides full funding for conservation programs that help farmers put in place conservation systems that address soil, water, and wildlife needs in rural areas. Although the League didn’t get all we asked for, there are some clear wins for wildlife. Full story
  • Example of integrated pest management: Spined soldier bug eating Mexican bean beetle larvae. Credit USDA ARS.

    New Report: Leveraging Conservation Dollars Benefits Water, Wildlife, and Soil

    A new report from the Izaak Walton League of America highlights the benefits for our natural resources – and American taxpayers – of better leveraging conservation funding to promote five conservation practices now in use on less than one-third of America’s farms and ranches. Full story
  • James Madison 2

    Inspiring the Next Generation of Conservationists

    The League is working with Trout Unlimited and the American Fisheries Society to engage high-school students in natural resource conservation. It's a great opportunity to inspire the next generation of conservationists. Full story
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    Get Ready To Defend Clean Water

    EPA and the Corps of Engineers are preparing to unveil a proposed regulation limiting the waters protected by the Clean Water Act – a fundamental weakening of clean water protections that have safeguarded our streams, rivers, and wetlands since the 1970s. The good news is that YOU can speak up for clean water and tell these agencies NOT to adopt this terrible regulation. Full story
  • soil health symposium

    League Promotes Soil Health as Symposium Co-Sponsor

    What do academics, farmers, agency personnel, and conservation advocates have in common? It’s not a trick question! They all care about healthy soil, as demonstrated at our well-attended Soil Health Symposium. Full story
  • Sediment_Tim McCabe USDA-NRCS

    Healthy Soil, Healthy Farm Bill

    The science of soil health has made great strides in the last decade. Has public policy caught up with those advancements? You can help decide what practices your tax dollars support. (Hint: It's not the ones causing the runoff in this photo!) Full story
  • Draining a Wetland_credit USFWS

    Senate and House Farm Bills Reflect Different Priorities

    There are many programs in the Farm Bill that directly impact our soil, air, woods, waters, and wildlife. But these five will have a huge impact on the health of America’s rivers, lakes, wetlands, and wildlife over the next five years. Full story
  • Warning sign for polluted water (Photo credit: iStock)

    EPA Says Clean Water Rule Relies “Too Much” on Science

    EPA recently declared that it had over-emphasized science in determining how to protect drinking water supplies, streams, and wetlands essential to fish and wildlife. When it comes to protecting the water we drink and habitat that affects the survival of fish and wildlife, the Izaak Walton League believes it’s impossible to rely too much on science. Full story
  • Hog_credit Tim McCabe_USDA-NRCS

    Senate Passes Farm Bill

    Otto von Bismarck said, “Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” Doubly appropriate, perhaps, for the making of a Farm Bill, given its influence over Americans who raise livestock and those who make – and eat – sausages. Full story


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