
Clean water, sustainable agriculture, climate solutions, and more topics related to protecting America's outdoors.

  • Iowa protests

    Ikes Join Protest at Iowa Statehouse to Stop Bad Legislation

    Ikes and allies gathered at Iowa's Capitol to protest a bill that would have made it more difficult for the state to add new public lands to its roster. Full story
  • Wetland drainage on an agriculture field. Credit: USFWS.

    League Tells USDA to Withdraw Swampbuster Rule

    The League urges USDA to withdraw a troubled interim Swampbuster rule and replace it with one that accurately identifies wetlands, including seasonal wetlands. Full story
  • Sediment_Tim McCabe USDA-NRCS

    Water Pollution in Iowa Impacts Dead Zone, Public Health

    One statistic you likely won’t hear from Iowa agriculture boosters is the state's ranking as a leading contributor to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico – commonly referred to as the “dead zone.” Full story
  • marsh Tangier Island_credit Chesapeake Bay Progrogram

    The Trickledown Effect: How government shutdowns affect Chesapeake Bay health

    With another government shutdown looming at the end of this week, it’s important to reflect on ways the earlier shutdown affected the Chesapeake Bay and water quality throughout the country. Full story
  • U.S. Capitol dome in snow. Credit: Architect of the U.S. Capitol.

    New Congress Organizes To Implement Farm Bill

    ​The new Congress convened on January 3rd. House committees will see more leadership changes and more new faces than will Senate committees. As Agriculture and Appropriations Committees work to implement the new Farm Bill and fund Farm Bill programs, we need you to tell your members of Congress that conservation should be a priority. Full story
  • mallard hen in Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota

    Sportsmen and Women Know Prairie Potholes Too

    President Trump gave a speech in which he said he doesn't know what a prairie pothole is but "it sounds bad.” What sounds bad is the president yanking away wetland protections with no understanding of the irreplaceable role wetlands play in the lives of every American. Full story
  • Salt truck image. Credit: iStock.

    Road Salt and Stream Health

    As the days get colder, many of us might think it’s time to put stream monitoring on hold until spring. But there is still work to be done! Each season presents specific threats to stream health. In winter, road salt can cause serious damage to water quality. That's why the League created the Winter Salt Watch campaign – to help volunteers measure salt levels in local streams and alert local agencies when they spot a problem. Full story
  • CRP-Restored Wetland_credit Lynn Betts-NRCS

    New Farm Bill Will Aid Wetland Conservation

    ​The newest five-year Farm Bill, passed by Congress in December 2018, provides some important wins for wetlands – and for the people, fish, and wildlife that depend on wetlands. Full story
  • frozen stream in VT_credit Dave Smith sq

    What Happens to Stream Life When the Temperatures Drop?

    Most aquatic macroinvertebrates (which are indicators of stream health) live in your local streams throughout the winter. How do they stay alive? Full story
  • native prairie veg planted at Neal Smith NWR_credit USDA-ARS

    New Farm Bill's Impact on Native Prairie

    The U.S. has lost millions of acres of native prairie over the past decade, making native prairie one of the most endangered ecosystems in North America. While there is some good news for prairie and other grasslands in the new Farm Bill, the new law also represents lost opportunities to better protect these valuable resources. Full story


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