
Clean water, sustainable agriculture, climate solutions, and more topics related to protecting America's outdoors.

  • West Front of U.S. Capitol

    President’s Proposed Budget Doesn’t Reflect Americans’ Values

    For the fourth year in a row, the Trump Administration has proposed a budget that slashes funding for conservation programs – so once again, the Izaak Walton League will work with Congress to pass a better budget. Full story
  • CREP sign

    Good Deeds Go Unrewarded: USDA Offers Smaller Incentives for Farm Conservation Practices

    For 35 years, the Conservation Reserve Program has rewarded farmers for taking millions of acres of highly erodible, environmentally sensitive cropland out of production – but now, decreasing incentive payments are leaving landowners wondering why they should sign up. Full story
  • U.S. Capitol dome in snow. Credit: Architect of the U.S. Capitol.

    Worth the Wait: Congress Passes Conservation Budget

    It took months of effort, but the final 2020 budget soundly rejects any attempts to defund vital environmental programs and invests in protecting Americans’ environment, drinking water, and access to outdoor recreation. Most of the League’s priority programs, in fact, saw budgets increase under the legislation. Full story

    How To: Recycle a Christmas Tree

    For those who celebrate the holidays with a blue spruce or Douglas fir, the fresh smell of pine will soon be replaced by dead branches and lots of pine needles. But there are still plenty of uses for the tree! Full story
  • People monitoring a stream

    Get Together for Clean Water

    The Save Our Streams water quality monitoring program is about so much more than just recording numbers on data sheets. Our citizen-scientists are also passionate leaders, forward-thinking problem-solvers, and engaged citizens. And anybody can join our clean-water community. Full story
  • Pumpkin pie. Photo credit: Peggy Greb, USDA/ARS

    Thanksgiving: More than a holiday

    This Thanksgiving, let us say thanks for the land itself and all its beauties, then to those who have gone before and to all of the conservation groups and many other individuals who have worked to preserve it for us. (By Sigurd F. Olson, published in "Outdoor America," Nov 1958) Full story
  • pumpkins_bekir-donmez-unsplash_800x800

    How To: Recycle a Pumpkin

    Halloween is over. The candy traded or eaten, costumes and decorations packed up, and you're looking forward to turkey at Thanksgiving. But what do you do with those carved orange vegetables on your front porch? Re-use and recycle them! Full story
  • Students taking measurements of water quality

    The Measure of Success: Finding Out Whether a Stream Restoration Worked

    Sometimes, nature needs to be restored before it can be protected. But how do we know whether our restoration efforts have brought back something worth protecting? Full story
  • Conservation Reserve Program land in Iowa

    Congress Postpones Decisions on Federal Spending for 2020

    Funding for natural resources and the environment now represents less than 1% of the federal budget, and that share has been falling for more than 40 years. The 2020 budget isn't likely to reverse the decline. Full story
  • An artificial side channel on the Missouri River

    Better Management of the Missouri River Would Benefit People and Wildlife

    The Army Corps of Engineers is re-committing to smarter management of the river. Solutions that work with nature will reduce flood risk and increase habitat for fish and wildlife. Read more about the new plans. Full story


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